Monday 6 October 2014

general conference goals

After general conference I always write down 5 goals that I want to work on before the next general conference comes around. Then I reflect on my previous goals to see how well I did, see what I still need to work on, and then write some more! I thought I would share mine with you. Maybe you could even hold me accountable to the ones I'm working on if you see me slacking. =)

1. Reverence the sacrament by getting to the meeting on time! I'm always late for everything, and this most important meeting is no exception. I know some of you are thinking, 'But don't you have church at 11?' Why, yes I do. It honestly doesn't matter the time, whether it's 1, 11, 9, or even 10:30 meetings that my good ol' Leavitt ward holds. I'm always about 5 minutes late for all of them. And being late right off the bat sets the mood for the rest of the most important meeting of the week. I know that if I respect it more, I will feel the Atonement more throughout the week.

2. Start off my day right in morning prayer. I've always been bad at remembering my own personal, morning prayers, and I needed this conference to remind me just how important they are. No wonder I'm grouchy throughout the day sometimes. I must think I'm pretty great if I think I can stay positive, focused, and productive without the Lord's help that day. Well, I can't. Maybe a few hours go great, but I'm too {insert carnal trait here} to not start off my day with a meaningful prayer every morning. Which brings me to my third goal...

3. Pray with real sincerity. Many times my prayers are quite general. I really liked how one of the apostles (maybe Elder Scott??) talked about how we should tell the Lord everything that happened that day, our concerns, what we were excited about -- and then I realized that mine were so general compared to what they could be. The power of prayer is real, and I've used it many times when my life has had hard times. But when my life is going pretty well, I tend to forget to be sincere in my prayers. One of my favourite passages of scripture ever is in 2 Ne 4: 17-the end. And out of that passage I love verse 32 when he says "O Lord, wilt thou not shut the gates of they righteousness before me, that I may walk in the path of the low valley, that I may be strict in the plain road."

If I see an obstacle before me, you better believe that I'll work on it, master it, overcome it as fast as I can, but when my road is plain, like Nephi says, I tend to wander; I am not strict and focused on the Lord. My prayers will help me keep Him in focus and help me to not get pulled away by other currents (like was said in general conference.)

4. Find 3 names to take to the temple before January and then take 3 more before next April conference. I actually set this goal last New Year as a resolution and I still haven't done it, people! I'm such a procrastinator -- it's only 3 names!! But I'm horrible at Family History work, and that's only because I haven't taken the time to be taught -- and I still haven't. So these last 3 months I'm going to get someone in my home to help me, because no matter how much work has been done on your side of the family, apparently if you really look hard you can find people. So I'm going to try!

5. I'm going to make the temple more of a priority. Laikyn doesn't mind getting babysat (thank heavens!) and I only have one child. I have a babysitter who loves to babysit right in Cardston (my mother-in-law) and I don't always have to do an endowment session. With these circumstances I should be going to the temple once a week, at least! I don't work out of the home, and my circumstances might change soon so that 2 kids are in the picture. (I'm not pregnant, but I do know that I don't only want one kid!) Anyways, I need to store up before I can't go as much, because I notice things don't go as smoothly throughout my daily life when I put the temple on the back burner.

So there you have it -- my 5 goals to work on before next conference. I actually love goal-making and trying to improve myself. I fail more than I succeed, but I just like having things to focus on and little "ends" and "deadlines" that are closer in sight. Goals just resonate with me.

Share with me a few of your goals! I might just add them to my list! I also want to know what your favourite talk/quote was. =)

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