Friday 7 November 2014

Since Becoming a Mom: to a Toddler

Because I loved writing the post about becoming a new mom, I decided to do another one, just toddler edition! It's always good to write down this stuff for memory's sake and also to realize how lucky I am that I get to be a mother to my own children.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler Laikyn and I have become further apart in some ways. We have also gotten a lot closer in many other ways.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler I realized that 'no' actually means yes, and 'yes' means "YES!".

Since becoming a mom to a toddler the house is even messier than before. (I know, I didn't think it was possible either.)

Since becoming a mom to a toddler I found out that nothing -- I mean nothing in my house is childproof. Everything has to be placed 5 feet off the ground, cupboard doors put up a useless fight against a child's determination, and coins and keys are the best kind of candy out there.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler I've had to be more conscientious about what I say and do. I have a little copy cat on my hands, and it keeps me in check.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler I no longer need to set an alarm.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler, Mark and I have even less time to ourselves. The older Laikyn gets the more I realize how important it is to be a good wife, first, and a good mother, second.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler I'm finding myself doing the most ridiculous things to get just a single laugh. The more embarrassing it is, the better the laugh. I'm glad we're at home alone ...

Since becoming a mom to a toddler I know now that babies can read the same story 100 times in a row and not get sick of it. I can read most of her stories word for word with my eyes closed.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler I can now replicate the sound of any animal in the world better than anyone else in the world. (put me to the test if you don't believe me.)

Since becoming a mom to a toddler I know my baby still thinks I'm pretty cool, but there is nothing cooler than a cell phone. nothing. period. the end. done.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler bouncing on beds, rolling around on the floor, and playing hide and seek has become a daily ritual of ours.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler the scaring games have begun. Don't worry, I've never made her cry. She actually likes to be scared, which is perfect for me. :)

Since becoming a mom to a toddler I know now that the cure to any of Laikyn's problems is to go outside or to turn on some music.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler I take advantage of the sleepy mornings. She cuddles and squeezes and kisses me non stop. and I love every single second of it.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler I know that bibs are pointless and so are utensils. Even clothes are overrated at times.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler we eat burnt food for supper more than once a week, I forget the day of my appointment the second after I make it, and I have to wash my batch of laundry twice because it has totally slipped my mind that I even did laundry in the first place. My brain is slowly turning to mush. How do people have more than one child?

Since becoming a mom to a toddler there is nothing cuter than your kid playing alone with her toys, jabbering away the whole entire time. There is also nothing cuter than when dad gets home from school.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler my favourite time of day is when I get to pick Laiky up out of her crib and hear her yell "Mommmmm!"

Since becoming a mom to a toddler I realized that everything in the world is exciting and beautiful to her, and it's starting to rub off on me.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler I sneak into Laikyn's room at night, pick her up, and hold her oh-so close. I stare at every little detail of her face, hoping that the longer I stare the more burned it will be in my mind forever.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler I already wish I could go back and do a few things differently. I would tell myself to worry less about things that don't matter. I would tell myself to take every opportunity to sing and rock Laikyn to sleep whenever I could.( I didn't know that it would be so soon that she would be putting herself to sleep without me and wanting it that way.) I would turn the TV off more, shut down my computer, and put away my cell phone and focus solely on her. Time goes by too fast.

Since becoming a mom to a toddler I've never felt happier. You don't think your baby will get any more fun/cuter, and then they just do! It's awesome. Love you, Laikers.


  1. Ah man, I won't know what hit me when Remi becomes a toddler. You rock it though!! Serious. You make it all seem so normal as easy peasy. Rub some of that off on me eventually will ya?!

  2. Ah man, I won't know what hit me when Remi becomes a toddler. You rock it though!! Serious. You make it all seem so normal as easy peasy. Rub some of that off on me eventually will ya?!
